Students teach teachers technology

Sue Zakariya
Ramstein American High School

***image2***A group of Ramstein American High School teachers met recently after school in the information center for a computer workshop, taught by RAHS students.

RAHS seniors Sarah Fomin and Amy Williamson showed teachers how to create brochures, flyers, calendars and business cards using Microsoft Publisher.

For Sarah and Amy, teaching the computer workshop was a project for the Technology Leadership Community course.
The Tech Leadership is about teaching, learning and learning to teach.

Initially, the students were each going to work one-on-one with a teacher.

Then Tech Leadership student Jeff Frederick presented the idea of planning an after-school workshop and inviting all the teachers. Students in the class agreed.

The students began preparing for the workshop several weeks in advance. They were required to write a lesson plan with detailed instructions, and first practiced teaching with their peers to fine-tune their presentation.

“All the elements of a standards-based lesson were present, from the objective to the evaluation,” said MaryAnn Porter, RAHS counselor and workshop attendee.

“Differentiation of instruction was evident. They were so focused on making sure we succeeded, offering individual help throughout the lesson. It was outstanding and I wish we could do this more often.”

RAHS Tech Leadership students are now planning more after-school computer workshops for teachers.

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