Post Tagged with: "10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC)"


Pfc. Andrew Hernandez (right), intelligence analyst with B Co., 24th Military Intelligence Battalion, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, and Spc. Andrea Willette (left), intelligence analyst with Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, chart  missile 
launches during a simulated missile volley. The Soldiers are training with others from across U.S. Army Europe in a 10th AAMDC missile defense 

Soldiers come together for 10th AAMDC missile defense exercise

Story and photo by Capt. Royal Reff
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

If someone took a look around the expansive warehouse on Rhine Ordnance Barracks they’d see a lot of equipment and activity, from computers with massive displays to simulated-live radar feeds.

March 6, 2014 ×


Photo by Staff Sgt. John ZumerLt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell (left), U.S. Army Europe commanding general, Col. Gregory Brady, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command commander, listen to a question posed by a 10th AAMDC Soldier during a leaders’ luncheon Feb. 6 in Kaiserslautern.

USAREUR CG attends leaders’ luncheon with 10th AAMDC Soldiers

by Capt. Royal Reff
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, U.S. Army Europe commanding general, met Soldiers and leaders with the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command during a visit to Rhine Ordnance Barracks
Feb. 6.

February 13, 2014 ×


Lt. Col. Lisa Bartel, commander of the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, and Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen Burnley, the senior enlisted Soldier for 5-7 ADA, uncase the unit colors recently at a transfer of authority ceremony in Gaziantep, Turkey.

5-7 ADA Soldiers assume responsibilities in Turkey

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. John Zumer
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

After months of hard training and expectation, the rubber finally hit the road in Turkey for the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command.

January 9, 2014 ×


Photo by Staff Sgt. John ZumerU.S. Army Europe Deputy Commanding General Richard Longo joins 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command leadership in saying goodbye to Soldiers of the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment Dec. 2 on Ramstein as they leave for a yearlong deployment to Turkey. Almost 200 service members left as part of a continuing NATO mission that will see 5-7 ADA helping to stabilize the region by providing air defense protection against potential ballistic missile threats. Forces from Germany and the Netherlands are also deployed to different sections of Turkey as part of the NATO effort.

Senior leader send off

December 12, 2013 ×


Soldiers from the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command brace a vehicle on a railcar during a logistical exercise Oct. 16 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

Kaiserslautern Soldiers earn deployment excellence awards

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. John Zumer
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

Being recognized by fellow Soldiers or unit leadership for a job well done frequently does wonders for morale. However, if an entire company is singled out for outstanding service by an authority like the Department of the Army, it’s usually a good indicator that proficiency and excellence are emphasized throughout the whole organization — in this case the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command.

October 31, 2013 ×


Soldiers from the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command prepare a mock casualty for transport during a training exercise Oct. 18 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

10th AAMDC Soldiers earn Combat Lifesaver certification

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. John Zumer
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

Medics play a vital role on today’s battlefield, treating the injured before their delivery to better equipped medical facilities.

October 24, 2013 ×


Staff Sgt. Tyler P. Jackson (left), the transportation movement and installation staging area supervisor with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, reviews a piece of equipment’s serial number with Maj. Ernest J. Harrell, the executive officer of the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, Oct. 18 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

‘First in Support’ Soldiers assist 5-7 ADA equipment inspections

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett
21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s headquarters and 16th Sustainment Brigade assisted the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command’s 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery with equipment inspections Oct 7 to 18 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

October 24, 2013 ×


Sgts. 1st Class Stanley Quinn and Michael Browley, Sexual Assault Response Coordinators for 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, speak to a group of Soldiers Sept. 26 at Armstrong’s Club in Kaiserslautern. The Soldiers were participating in a readiness fair that brought together vendors, families and Soldiers to learn about the many agencies available in the KMC to help with numerous issues, including education, shopping and travel.

Community comes together to support 10th AAMDC Soldiers, families

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. John Zumer
10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs

Ask military family members about the prospect of their loved one deploying, and the odds are good you’ll be met with a long face. However, Soldiers with the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command recently participated in a readiness fair aiming at easing the pressures often associated with deployment.

October 10, 2013 ×

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