Post Tagged with: "86th Communications Squadron"


Airman 1st Class Kara Woods, 86th Communications Squadron postal specialist (left), practices with fellow Ramstein Honor Guard members March 31 on Ramstein. Woods has been a member of the base Honor Guard since January and has learned honor, discipline and precision.

Airman strives to serve, honor, challenge self

Story and photo by Senior Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Some days she’s practicing precision and bearing while holding a flag. Other days, she’s greeting customers and sorting their mail. Regardless of what challenge she’s taking on, she embraces it with full force.

May 12, 2016 ×


1st CMXS, 86th CS optimize networks together

1st CMXS, 86th CS optimize networks together

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Armando Schwier-Morales
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The 1st Communications Maintenance Squadron special teams deploy all over Europe and Africa helping improve cyber networks, but this month they are taking time off the road and working close to home.

February 18, 2016 ×


‘Gone phishing’ email exercise tests cybersecurity on Ramstein

by Kimberly Parker
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Airmen were put to the test when the 86th Airlift Wing inspector general and the 86th Communications Squadron executed a cybersecurity phishing email exercise Feb. 26 on Ramstein.

March 12, 2015 ×


Staff Sgt. James Whyte, 86th Communications Squadron postal specialist, sorts mail in the Northside Post Office Feb. 13.  at Ramstein. The Northside Post Office is the largest Department of Defense postal operation, handling approximately 8 million pounds of mail annually.

Postal services deliver peace of mind

Story and photo by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Dealing with mail can be a nerve-racking experience. Will it arrive on time? Will it be safe? What if it’s lost?

March 5, 2015 ×


Virtual ESD now at Ramstein

by Senior Airman Brian Quintanilla
86th Communications Squadron

In the past few weeks, a new application may have appeared on computer desktops. On Dec. 8, the 67th Cyber Wing deployed Virtual Enterprise Service Desk on computers throughout U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

January 22, 2015 ×


Ramstein to implement mandatory reboot

by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The 86th Communications Squadron will push an update to all government computers on Ramstein, forcing them to reboot every 72 hours starting Monday.

January 15, 2015 ×


Your computer needs a nap

by 2nd Lt. Kyle Massey
86th Communications Squadron

Your computer is your friend, confidant, procrastination enabler and productivity partner. It can be moody at times, but the trait we usually notice most about our digital partner is its speed.

November 20, 2014 ×


Cybersecurity Awareness Month

by Senior Airman Christian Rodgers
86th Communications Squadron

The typical buzz word in today’s cyberspace domain is “cybersecurity.” Cybersecurity is developed into layers, in which all are utilized to protect a nation’s assets, as well as incorporate strategic planning to actually attack adversaries.

November 6, 2014 ×


Defending the cyberspace domain

by 2nd Lt. Justin Anderson
86th Communications Squadron

The Command Cyber Readiness Inspection scheduled for Dec. 1 to 5 is a Defense Information Systems Agency-led inspection of the security posture of Ramstein’s network.

November 6, 2014 ×


Airman 1st Class Dillon Fowler, 86th Communications Squadron cable and antenna maintenance specialist, conducts an inspection of communication infrastructure Oct. 2 on Ramstein. Cable and antenna specialists are responsible for installing, maintaining and replacing critical assets that enable the free flowing stream of information throughout the KMC.

Extinguishing fires with communication

Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Trucks, high pressure hoses, engines, ladders, hard hats and a station dog are all essential tools to put out a fire, even those that don’t burn.

October 9, 2014 ×

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