Post Tagged with: "children"


Family Fun: 10 tips for extending the egg hunt

Family Fun: 10 tips for extending the egg hunt

Is it eggs-tra difficult for you to plan an eggs-traordinary Easter for your kids this year? The community egg hunts aren’t happening. Church activities are limited. How can you help your kids feel egg-static about their egg hunt? More importantly, how can you egg-stend the time to keep everyone occupied? […]

April 2, 2021 ×

Education, Features

Virtual learning survival guide: 12 essential tips

Virtual learning survival guide: 12 essential tips

Is it a virtual nightmare, remotely tolerable or online nirvana? Parents never dreamed they would spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the role of teacher, counselor, tutor, nurse, and coach — in addition to mom/dad. Teachers could have never imagined trying to connect with students on […]

January 29, 2021 ×


Supervision guidelines for KMC children

Supervision guidelines for KMC children

by Captain Kavakcioglu-Anderson
Family Advocacy Program Manager

The last day of school is approaching and summer break is just around the corner. During summer, outdoor activities naturally increase for children in the military community. Therefore, parents, sponsors and adults are asked to familiarize themselves with the KMC Supervision Guidelines for preventive measures to protect children from neglect and injuries. Some examples of child neglect are inadequate supervision, a failure to protect from harm, abandonment, or leaving children unattended in the car.

June 8, 2018 ×


Dad BJ enjoys some "educational  speed" with toddler Dominic at the Technik Muesum in Speyer.

Spring Family Outings

by Dr. Krystal White Contributing writer

Spring conjures dreams of picnics, playgrounds and parties. It invites us to slowly emerge from our individual homes and join our community in celebration of life and light. There’s no other time of year that can compete with the fever of spring.
Playing together with friends and family, experiencing activities in the outdoors, attending events and traveling are the building blocks of healthy relationships — this form of quality time increases the effectiveness of our communication, helps us tolerate each other and reduces stress.

April 2, 2015 ×


We're in this thing together: how to start co-parenting better

We’re in this thing together: how to start co-parenting better

by Dr. Krystal White Contributing writer

Parenting decisions can be big (when to start toilet training) or small (should he get another cookie?). No doubt about it, some decisions are easy and some are very tough.
Parents make thousands of decisions about the daily lives of their children. In how many activities should children be enrolled? How do you handle temper tantrums? Food refusal? Where does our child sleep? Often, parents agree on these decisions, and other times they do not. Co-parenting is the term used to describe the negotiation process and team execution of:

April 2, 2015 ×


Courtesy photoBecca Breedlove-Berry is a thriving mom and resiliency pro. "I encourage mothers to be aware of themselves and their own needs. Often we get so wrapped up in the needs of our children, jobs and husbands we forget to take care of ourselves," she said.

Mother magic: Tips to help military moms thrive

by Dr. Krystal White
Contributing writer

At the beginning, there’s plenty of information on what to expect as a new mom. New parents anxious to keep their children healthy nurture their children and set up good routines. They gobble up baby books and their advice. After some time, moms become pros at handling the nitty gritty of the daily grind that raising children demands.

April 17, 2014 ×


Courtesy photoThe holiday season accentuates our fears that we may be training the next generation to be greedy and entitled. Over indulging children can lead to “a case of the gimmies.”

The Case of the ‘Gimmies’

by Dr. Krystal White
Contributing writer

Parents naturally want the best for their children but don’t want to spoil them. It’s not only during the holiday season that parents find themselves caught between giving permission and setting limits. We take kids to the movies, buy them sweets, indulge them with dinners out, and sign them up for out of school activities. Steady incomes, easy credit and a culture of “stuff” makes a parent’s desire to simplify and say “no” that much more challenging.

November 28, 2013 ×


Luke Pelletier, 7, and Jude Pelletier, 4, ride bikes and scooters at the marina in Meersburg, Bodensee.

Summer Smarts

Story and photo by Krystal White
Contributing writer

Families cant wait for summer to start, and they can’t wait for it to end. As parents, the biggest problem is one of occupation. Working families scramble to find programs and services for their children to attend that are affordable and engaging.

July 4, 2013 ×


Put your children to work this summer!

Put your children to work this summer!

by Annie Valentine
Contributing writer

There is nothing better than the death of a school year and the birth of summer fun. Children and parents alike appreciate the respite after nine months of homework, projects and extra-curricular commitments.

July 4, 2013 ×

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