Post Tagged with: "drinking water quality report"


Summary of 2015 annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Summary of 2015 annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Courtesy of 86th Medical
Group Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight

The 86th Medical Group Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight is pleased to present Ramstein’s annual Drinking Water Quality Report.

July 21, 2016 ×


MCL – Maximum Contamination Level	AL – Action Level	Range – Range of actual measured results
Note: Gray area indicates numerous parameters of listed groups that are identified in the report.

2013 annual drinking water quality report summary

by 86th Medical Group Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight

The 86th Medical Group Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight presents Ramstein’s annual drinking water quality report.
This report, which is required by Air Force Instruction and mirrors the Consumer Confidence Report required by the EPA in CONUS, is designed to inform residents about the excellent water and services delivered over the past year.

May 22, 2014 ×