Post Tagged with: "Health corner"


Health Corner: Health notice for countries, territories with active Zika virus transmission – Feb. 5, 2016

Courtesy of Regional Health Command Europe Public Affairs

In response to reports in Brazil of microcephaly, a birth defect where a baby’s head is smaller than expected, and other poor pregnancy outcomes in babies of mothers who were infected with the Zika virus while pregnant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a travel alert for people traveling to regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing. The notice is an Alert Level 2 that calls for travelers to follow enhanced precautions or recommended preventive measures for these destinations.

February 5, 2016 ×


Health Corner: How to navigate the supplement maze – Dec. 18, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

There are many different types of supplements, and they all claim to assist in reaching our goals in some way or another. However, are they really necessary? Are they safe? Are they as good as the label proclaims them to be?

December 17, 2015 ×


Health Corner: Do not let sodium weigh you down this holiday season – Dec. 11, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

While sodium is a necessary component of a balanced diet, too much can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems. Having too high of a salt intake can also lead to water retention, which causes bloating. Your body attempts to maintain a certain salt to water ratio, similar to the ratio in the ocean, and the higher the salt intake, the more your body will try to hang on to water.

December 11, 2015 ×


Health Corner: Creating better habits during the holidays – Dec. 4, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CaFT Contributing writer

The holiday season is here which means Thanksgiving leftovers, countless family gatherings and holiday parties. After the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, many of us break out our New Year’s resolutions with the feeling of guilt from uncontrollable indulging over the holiday season. However, before all the madness gets […]

December 4, 2015 ×


Health Corner – Nov. 20, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

There are many fitness myths that are thrown around so much they are often mistaken for truths. Here are five of the most common and some facts to bust those myths:

November 20, 2015 ×


Health Corner – What does fitness really mean? – Nov. 13, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

When some people hear the word “fitness” various images may come to mind, such as a gym, a health food store or maybe even calorie counting.

November 13, 2015 ×

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