Post Tagged with: "healthy eating"


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Fight Back Against Sugar: Tips to help overcome the cycle of excessive sweets

by Megan Finley Contributing writer

Before moving to Germany, I would avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates like the plague. But now that I am living here, I find it hard to refuse all the amazing breads, pastries and carbohydrate-loaded wonderfulness that Germany has to offer.

March 24, 2016 ×


Health Corner: Do not let sodium weigh you down this holiday season – Dec. 11, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

While sodium is a necessary component of a balanced diet, too much can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems. Having too high of a salt intake can also lead to water retention, which causes bloating. Your body attempts to maintain a certain salt to water ratio, similar to the ratio in the ocean, and the higher the salt intake, the more your body will try to hang on to water.

December 11, 2015 ×


Courtesy photo of Stockcreations/

Healthy grilling

by Giovanna Reyes-Alexander Public Health Command Region-Europe

The smell of barbecue continues to linger through the air during the summer months. Before you fire up the grill this year, consider what options you might have to make it a healthy, as well as satisfying fun experience.

August 13, 2015 ×


Courtesy photo

Staying healthy during the holidays

by Staff Sgt. Leslie Keopka
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The holidays are right around the corner whether everyone is ready for them or not. Holidays come with celebrations, social gatherings and lots of delicious food and drinks. Having a positive mindset and solid plan will help get you through the winter month festivities, all while staying on a healthy path.

November 7, 2013 ×