Post Tagged with: "language"


Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 5 tips for improving your German at home

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 5 tips for improving your German at home

For Americans living in Germany, it can be all too easy to never learn German. If you speak English at work and English (or another non-German language) at home, you might think, “Why bother?” However, learning to speak German — even a little bit — is a golden opportunity. The […]

March 26, 2021 ×


Musicians from the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band Touch ’n Go rehearse March 27 on Ramstein.

Universal language breaks barriers

Story and photos by Senior Airman Nicole Sikorski 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

With many languages around the world, communication can be a challenge between nations. One group of Airmen make it easier with the use of an international language — music. The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band Touch ’n Go ensemble works to spread joy and raise morale for audiences in deployed countries across Europe, Africa and other locations.

April 16, 2015 ×

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