Post Tagged with: "life in Germany"


Easter  traditions in Germany

Easter traditions in Germany

Easter is a happy time. After a long winter, finally nature is in full
bloom. Children are waiting for the Easter bunny. Employers usually
manage to combine their free days into a long weekend. School is out for
at least a couple of days.

April 2, 2021 ×


Culture shock 101: Coping with a new life, environment

by Megan Finley Contributing writer

Many of us have heard of the term “culture shock.” Culture shock is the disorientation or unfamiliar feeling a person may have when trying to adjust to life in a new place. Symptoms include homesickness, feelings of helplessness or dependency; disorientation; depression or sadness; anger; eating or sleeping disturbances; or critical reactions to the new culture. Here are some helpful tips on how to overcome culture shock.

November 27, 2015 ×