Post Tagged with: "Ramstein Honor Guard"


Airman 1st Class Kara Woods, 86th Communications Squadron postal specialist (left), practices with fellow Ramstein Honor Guard members March 31 on Ramstein. Woods has been a member of the base Honor Guard since January and has learned honor, discipline and precision.

Airman strives to serve, honor, challenge self

Story and photo by Senior Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Some days she’s practicing precision and bearing while holding a flag. Other days, she’s greeting customers and sorting their mail. Regardless of what challenge she’s taking on, she embraces it with full force.

May 12, 2016 ×


Ramstein Airmen train for honor guard duty

Ramstein Airmen train for honor guard duty

Photos by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore


April 7, 2016 ×


Airman 1st Class Drake Griffin, 86th Communications Squadron honor guardsman, holds an American flag during practice 
Feb. 19 on Ramstein. The base honor guard trains constantly to perfect their skills and maintain readiness for ceremonies.

Delivering peace, honoring a legacy

Story and photos by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Standing motionless with eyes forward, she begins to see tears in the crowd as they stare back at her. Clearing her mind of the surroundings, she focuses on her training, anticipating what will come next.

February 27, 2014 ×

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