Post Tagged with: "tax preparation"


Military tax services available through Military OneSource

Military tax services available through Military OneSource

Filing taxes can be a daunting task every year, but the Defense Department has helpful resources for active-duty service members and their families, and it’s all free through Military OneSource beginning today. Tax services for the military — also known as MilTax — is DOD’s approved tax-filing and tax-support service […]

January 22, 2021 ×


Tech. Sgt. David Mitchell, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron payments and construction equipment NCO in charge, assists Senior Airman Kathryn Patchoski, 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron police services NCO, with her tax return at the tax center Feb. 18 on Ramstein. The tax center assisted in returning $2.1 million in refunds to their KMC customers in 2014.

Tax center assists, saves, returns funds

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Through June, the tax center on Ramstein works tirelessly to ensure Airmen, dependents and retirees are able to file their taxes properly and receive return entitlements.

February 25, 2016 ×

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