Post Tagged with: "Toy Run For Kids"


Leather-clad members of the Warrant Officers Association, Rheinland-Pfalz Silver Chapter, families and volunteers drive toward Landstuhl Dec. 5 during a "Toy Run for Kids." Around two dozen of Santa's "bad-boy" helpers, many of them active-duty warrant officers serving with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, traded reindeer and sleighs for motorcycles, delivering a full truck-sized load of Christmas cargo as well as several hundred euro in cash donations for area children. Participants in the toy convoy rode from their rally point at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center to the Kinderheim Saint Nikolaus Orphanage in Landstuhl.

TSC warrant officers trade reindeers for bikes

Photo by Chief Warrant Officer 4 James J. Britton
December 11, 2015 ×


TSC warrant officers play ‘Santa’ for good cause

by Ronnie Schelby 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

They may ride motorcycles rather than sleighs, and regulations do not permit an abdomen shaped like a “bowl full of jelly,” but members of the Warrant Officers Association, Rheinland-Pfalz Silver Chapter, along with family members and volunteers, emulated Saint Nick in a good cause during a succession of charity events culminating in a “Toy Run for Kids” slated for Saturday.

December 4, 2015 ×

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