Post Tagged with: "travel"


Tuscany, a world-class destination

Tuscany, a world-class destination

Towards the west coast of Italy is Tuscany, one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. This enchanting area is a magnet for its unique attractions including beautiful landscapes, magnificent beaches, world-famous art, exquisite cuisine and excellent wines. History Tuscany has always been an important region with its pre-Etruscan history, […]

July 22, 2022 ×


Ride the Hurtigruten for best coastal scenery in Norway

Ride the Hurtigruten for best coastal scenery in Norway

“Wait, how many steps is it to the top?” my daughter asks. “The boat captain said it’s 418,” I reply. “What’s up there?” “I’m not sure. Let’s go see.” And we did. It took less time than expected to climb the stairway in Ålesund, Norway. We were in the city […]

July 15, 2022 ×


Very cool caves, Little Lichtenstein

Very cool caves, Little Lichtenstein

When the weather in Germany gets too warm, you may need a cooler place to visit. Near Reutlingen and Stuttgart in the lovely region of Sonnenbühl you can find some very cool caves and a cliff-hanger castle. The rolling hills and green valleys are a few of the landscape beauties […]

July 8, 2022 ×


Summertime smarts

Summertime smarts

Between the end of one school year and the start of the next, every student risks summer learning loss. According to the National Summer Learning Association students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in reading and mathematical computation skills over the summer. For many, this statistic is incredibly […]

July 1, 2022 ×


Biking adventures in the Pfaelzer Bergland

Biking adventures in the Pfaelzer Bergland

Biking from village to village in the areas surrounding the KMC and Baumholder can be challenging and a little frustrating during weekend and holiday traffic times when you have to share roadways with cars and trucks that zip around you to pass. Sometimes they get too close for comfort, especially […]

July 1, 2022 ×


Palmengarten Frankfurt Botanical: oasis in a metropolis

Palmengarten Frankfurt Botanical: oasis in a metropolis

Palmengarten is a lovely botanical garden in the city of Frankfurt, a “tranquil oasis in the heart of the city.” In 2015 over 500,000 people visited the gardens. The entrance fee is less than 10 euro, for which you are given the opportunity to meander among plants and trees and […]

July 1, 2022 ×


4 great day trips to take in France and Germany

4 great day trips to take in France and Germany

Warm summer weather makes the travel bug bite a little harder and fuel the wanderlust in us all. Unfortunately, family and personal responsibilities can prevent people from being able to hop on a plane and get away. One of the many benefits of life in the Kaiserslautern Military Community is […]

July 1, 2022 ×


Find your favorite park for action and adventure

Find your favorite park for action and adventure

A day out – it’s what we all need from time to time as a means of deflecting work stress or tension from the weekly job or enjoying a stress-free day with the kids. There are multiple opportunities of fun and adventure at various sites right here in our vicinity, […]

July 1, 2022 ×


France’s Secret Mountain Range: The Vosges

France’s Secret Mountain Range: The Vosges

  The Vosges Mountains are a secret wonderland a short drive from Germany. Filled with food, wine, and the rustic charm of Alsace, the Vosges also will give you a fantastic summer mountain experience. 1. The Ballons des Vosges Le Parc Natural Régional des Ballons des Vosges is breathtaking. It […]

July 1, 2022 ×


Spa, Belgium: Action and Relaxation

Spa, Belgium: Action and Relaxation

Looking for the ultimate blend of action and relaxation? Or old-world charm and new-world experiences? Then Spa, Belgium, might just be the place for you. Located in the beautiful Ardennes Forest, it’s a perfect spot for a day trip or a long weekend. Spa is the original spa. The word […]

July 1, 2022 ×