Post Tagged with: "trunk-or-treat"


Photo by Senior Airman Jimmie D. Pike
Members of the KMC line up in preparation for the Trunk or Treat event Oct. 31 on Ramstein. The event gave families the opportunity to trick or treat and experience the holiday in a safe environment.

KMC celebrates Halloween

Members of the KMC line up in preparation for the Trunk or Treat event Oct. 31 on Ramstein. The event gave families the opportunity to trick or treat and experience the holiday in a safe environment.

November 3, 2016 ×


TSC families gather for spooktacular ‘Trunk or Treat’

TSC families gather for spooktacular ‘Trunk or Treat’

Photos by Sgt. Maj. Michael Pintagro

“Dorothy” and “Toto” search for candy and Halloween treats during “Trunk or Treat” festivities held the evening of Oct. 30 at NCO Field on Daenner Kaserne.

November 5, 2015 ×


Photos by Senior Airman Jonathan StefankoChildren count candy after trick-or-treating during Trunk-or-Treat Oct. 31 on Ramstein. Trick-or-treaters of all ages attended this year’s Trunk-or-Treat, which included food, movies, games, contests and candy.

Candy, games, fun during Trunk-or-Treat

Photos by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko


November 6, 2014 ×


Photo by Staff Sgt. John ZumerSoldiers and families with the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command gather for a pre-Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event 
Oct. 30 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. Children and parents in costume made their way from one vehicle to the next for a chance to satisfy their sweet tooth with all types of holiday treats. Organizers said they were pleased by the turnout, with the cool weather doing little to dampen the spirits of those in attendance.


November 7, 2013 ×

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