Take Note — August 11, 2017

Protest at gate

A small protest is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. Saturday outside of Ramstein West Gate in the vicinity of the traffic circle. The event is projected to last 30 minutes and is expected to be peaceful in nature.

Kapaun/Vogelweh traffic routing change

On Aug. 25, traffic routes will change from a one-way to a two-way regulation on Kapaun/Vogelweh for the following street sections:

6th Avenue near post office and bank. Parking will not be allowed along the road towards the vehicle registration office within this section of 6th Avenue.

Kansas Street from the intersection 6th Avenue/Kansas Street up to the intersection Kansas Street/Gate 1 at Bldg. 2787.

From the Kapaun Gate on Second Avenue (near traffic lights) up to Bldg. 2787.

For details contact Mirko Lucas, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron, at 480-3599.

Heart Link class

The Ramstein Airman & Family Center will sponsor a Heart Link class for key spouses from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club, Suite 4. To register by
Sept. 21, visit https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/9rm3mcns/ or call 06371-47-5100.

AFCEA scholarships

The Kaiserslautern Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Chapter is soliciting nominations for their scholarship awards of $300 for civilian and military members. Applicants must be active-duty junior officers and enlisted, currently employed civil service personnel in the KMC and family members in the KMC pursuing a degree in the technical sciences, including information technology, telecommunications, electronics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, information systems, etc. AFCEA includes military, civilian and corporate members in the broad functional areas of command, control and intelligence, which are supported by the technical disciplines of communications, electronics and computer science. To apply for a scholarship by Aug. 20, visit http://kaiserslautern.afceachapters.org/?q=node/16.

Workshop for retirees

The 86th Airlift Wing Retirees Activities office will sponsor a workshop, “What A Surviving Spouse Needs to Know,” 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9 in Bldg. 2402 on Ramstein, the old passenger terminal. Starting at 10 a.m., there will be several information briefings from offices that provide support in the event of a casualty.  Then individual questions will be answered. At 11 a.m., individual appointments start with a counselor going through the whole process and discussing what spouses need to have and things they need to consider prior to something happening. To register in advance with RAO, email 86aw.rao@us.af.mil or call 480-5486 or

Giant Voice upgrade

The 86th Communications Squadron will upgrade Giant Voice capabilities across the KMC (Ramstein/Einsiedlerhof/Vogelweh) through Aug. 24 The upgrade will improve the reliability and quality of mass notification capabilities. To ensure a successful upgrade, testing will occur Mondays through Saturdays. Members of the community may hear activity from a single pole per day between the hours 9 and 11 a.m., or 1 to 3 p.m. During audible testing, each and every announcement message and tone will be played to fully evaluate the success of the maintenance.

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