Take Note — July 6, 2018

LRMC Pharmacy Temporary Hour Change
The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center outpatient pharmacy will close at 5 p.m. Monday – Friday, instead of 7 p.m., July 2-16. This is a trial period to help the LRMC team assess efficiencies in an effort to maximize resources during the times more patients visit. If patients need to fill prescriptions after 5 p.m. during the week, they may use the inpatient pharmacy; however, patients are encouraged to get their prescriptions earlier to allow the inpatient pharmacy to focus on inpatient and  emergency patients. All hours of operation on the weekends, training holidays, Federal holidays and Sundays will remain the same.

Green Dot Training
Have you taken your annual Green Dot training? This is a mandated annual training to gain awareness and prevention of interpersonal violence, to include sexual assault, domestic and inter-personal violence, and suicide. You have two choices for your training. If you completed the Green Dot training last year, you only need to take the 2018 GD Refresher training. If you have never taken the training, you need to take the initial training. This year’s theme is “Lots of people X Small behaviors = Big Impact.”

Sign up for your training now at the AF Green Dot SharePoint site, or call the Violence Prevention Integrators at 480-1422.

Have you had a Green Dot moment? A time when you stopped some type of violence from occurring, or a time that you witnessed something and thought about taking action? The 86th Airlift Wing Violence Prevention Implementers (VPI) would like to hear your Green Dot moment for possible publication in the future. Please send your Green Dot Moment or story to: Glen.corlin@us.af.mil or joseph.black.14@us.af.mil

New process, new hours
The Ramstein Visitor Control Center recently changed processes on issuing passes. The VCC now issues passes with a scannable barcode. These passes are valid for one to three days and may be used at any KMC Air Force or KMC Army installation. Any request longer than three days will require customers to receive a long-term pass. Customers should understand with the new process, waiting times may be longer than usual.

The VCC changed its operating hours. It opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m., seven days a week. After hours, customers may still sign in guests at the west gate. The sponsor must be registered in IACS to sign in visitors. Furthermore, ID card holders who forget their ID may also be searched in IACS and be granted base access.  For more information, visit ramsteinvisitorcenter.com

Units needed for blood drives
The Armed Services Blood Bank Center – Europe is looking for units who would like to host blood drives for the military community. For details, call 06371 94645958 or email colleen.m.urban.civ@mail.mil.

KMCC supports readiness
At the Kaiserslautern Military community Center Exchange and ShopMyExchange.com, military members and their families can equip themselves with the tools needed to maintain a BE FIT lifestyle, including athletic apparel and footwear; strength training and cardio equipment, and digital fitness devices — tax-free and at an average savings of 20 percent off MSRP.

Change of Command
The U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz holds a change of command ceremony at 10 a.m. on July 11, at Daenner Kaserne.

Col. Jason T. Edwards will assume command of the garrison from Col. Keith E. Igyarto. Edwards comes to USAG Rheinland-Pfalz following an assignment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., where he was a National Security Fellow. Igyarto, who took command of the garrison July 6, 2016, will be assigned as the Comptroller for U.S. Army Futures Command in Crystal City, Va.

Customers enrolled with Pfalzwerke (electricity) and/or Pfalzgas (gas)
If you were unable to provide your annual meter readings during May, please read your meters and submit to the company using the instructions below. Should they not receive meter readings from you, Pfalzwerke/Pfalzgas will be obligated to generate your annual bill(s) based on estimated readings rather than actual usage.

Annual meter readings can be provided to the utility company the following ways:

Online: https://onlineservice.pfalzwerke.de/pw/publicMeterReadingStart.sap

Via email (customer name, customer number, German address with picture of meter readings required): customerservice@pfalzwerke.de

After submission, the utility company will mail an updated year-end bill with adjusted monthly payments for the new billing cycle to your German mailing address. Point of contact for this information is U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Utility Tax Avoidance Program (UTAP) office at 541-9086/9091 or 0611-143-541-9086/9091.

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