Take Note — June 2, 2017

Office closures

The KMC Housing Office as well as the Furnishings Management Section will be closed Monday and June15 due to German legal holidays.

Platelet donors needed

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is in great need of platelet donors of all blood types. Platelets must be transfused within five days of collections. Platelets can be donated up to 24 times per year. To schedule donations appointments between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays, call 590-5885/5958 or email colleen.m.urban.civ@mail.mil.

Blood drives

The Armed Services Blood Program-Europe will conduct the following blood drives:

Monday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, 86th Vehicle Registration Squadron, The Mech Haus, Bldg. 2407, Ramstein

Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hall of Champions Fitness Center, Baumholder June 12: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Crossroads Community Center, Skating Rink, Vogelweh

To make an appointment to donate, visit www.militarydonor.com. Click on “Donate Blood,” then click “Landstuhl, Germany” and find a drive near you. Walk-ins are welcome.

ASBP-Europe has openings for units to host blood drives June 6 and July 11. Gain unit cohesion, leadership skills and the satisfaction of helping others. For more information, contact Colleen Urban at 590-5958 or find it on Facebook  at www.facebook.com/ASBBCEUR.

Choir performs concerts

The Rheinland Pfalz Inter-national Choir will perform two concerts, “Over the Rainbow – Songs of joy and hope from around the world,” in churches in Kaisers-lautern. The first one will be at 5 p.m. Saturday in Paulus Kirche, Hahnenbalz 38; and the second will be at 5 p.m. Sunday in Gustav-August-Kirche, Erzhuetter Strasse 68.

Horse show

The 64th Annual Miesau Horse Show will take place Saturday to Monday on the horse track across from the swimming pool. More than 650 horses will participate in 39 different dressage and jumping contests. Highlight will be the “Torch Light Jumping” at 9:30 p.m. Sunday.

Ramstein Cancer Relay

The mayor of Ramstein-Miesenbach, Ralf Hechler, will officially sponsor “Heroes for Heroes – Ramstein Cancer Relay,” the first annual charity run in support of the parent support group of children with cancer University Hospital Homburg from 10 a.m. to midnight June 10 at the Reichswaldstadion, next to Azur swimming pool in Ramstein-Miesenbach. To register, visit www.ramstein-miesenbach.de or www.facebook.com/heroesforheroesramstein. Submit registrations by Wednesday to joefelka@hotmail.com or day.esther@yahoo.com. Participants should donate €1 per round. There will be live music, performers and disc jockeys throughout the day; food and beverages will be available.

Stair run

The Kaiserslautern Fire Depart-ment will sponsor its third annual stair run 11 a.m. June 10 in the Kaiserslautern city hall (Rathaus). The challenge is to manage 73 meters in altitude over 414 steps from the bottom floor to the roof deck, which is on the 22nd floor. Interested athletic participants must register by 10 a.m. Tuesday. For details, visit www.feuerwehr-kaiserslautern.de. or send an email to geschaeftszimmer@feuerwehr-kaiserslautern.de.

Equality Open

The first annual Equality Open to celebrate Pride Month will be 8 a.m. June 9 at the Woodlawn Golf Course on Ramstein. Cost is $35 for annual pass holders and $55 for non-annual pass holders. Cost includes green fee, cart, range balls and hot dog meal. For details, call 479-4998 or 480-6037, or email germany@outserve.org.

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