A6 interchange closes
Due to street repair works, auto-bahn A6 will be reduced to just one lane near Einsiedlerhof direction Kaiserslautern/Mannheim Saturday. Inter-change Kaisers-lau-tern-Ein-siedler-hof direction Mannheim/Kai-sers-lautern will totally close to traffic from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. Motorists cannot exit at Einsiedlerhof coming from Saarbruecken, and they cannot drive onto A6 coming from Einsiedlerhof toward Mannheim. Motorists are asked to follow the detour signs.
German-American meeting
The state initiative “Welcome to Rhein-land-Pfalz!” hosts its next monthly German-American Stamm-tisch at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Paradox restaurant in Ramstein. The Stammtisch aims at facilitating the local German-American exchange and provides a recurring forum for Americans and locals to meet and get to know each other. The meeting is family friendly. For details contact the Atlantic Academy at 0631-3661017 or email constance@atlantische-akademie.de.
New Kaiserslautern app
Smart phone users will find a new free app in their app store called “Stadt Kaiserslautern” for Android and iOS, which the city of Kaiserslautern is offering. It replaces the former Kaiserslautern-App. It offers information on eGovernment services such as appointments in the Buergercenter, waiting times and open parking spots. There are also recreational ideas, sights, guided tours and cultural events listed. With audio guides, users can listen into information on specific sights.
Dental Appreciation Day
Army Retiree Dental Appreciation Day will be 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 17. All Army dental clinics within the KMC (Baumholder, Kleber, Landstuhl and Pulaski), will provide dental treatment to military retirees only (not to family members). Dental treatment will range from exam and cleanings to fillings, extractions and prosthetic needs for a select few. Call your specific army dental clinic starting Oct. 4 to schedule an appointment. Prior to the scheduled dental appointment, each retiree must come to their respective dental clinic prior to Oct. 17 (between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. or 12:30 and 2:30 p.m.) to update their medical history and X-rays.
The clinic phone numbers are: Baumholder: 06371-9464-1009 or 590-1009; LRMC: 06371-86-8136 or 486-8378; Pulaski: 06371-9464-1950 or 590-1950; Kleber: 06371-9464-2620 or 590-2620.
Retiree Appreciation Day
A Retiree Appreciation Days for retirees, retiree spouses, widows and widowers will take place Oct. 18 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. There will be guest speakers, an information fair with representatives from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and passport office, and a raffle. Registrations will be at 8 a.m., the function will begin 9 a.m. For reservations by Oct. 10, email 86aw.rao@us.af.mil. Also, all KMC dental clinics will be open to retirees Oct. 17 and a tour of a C130-J will be offered Oct. 19.
KMC Passport Outreach Day
A Passport Outreach Day will take place 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at Bldg. 2402, on Ramstein. Representatives will be on site to accept tourist passport and consular report of birth-abroad applications and to answer questions related to social security. On-site passport photo support will be available for $8, but is recommended to obtain photos prior to the event to minimize the waiting time. The Ramstein, Kaiserslautern and Baumholder Passport Offices will be closed Oct. 19. To complete applications, use the checklists at www.ramstein.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/303618/passports-id-cards (Air Force personnel) or www.rp.army.mil/directorates/hr.htm and click on “Passports” (Army personnel). For details, e-mail to your respective passport office on Ramstein: 786fss.passports@us.af.mil; in Kaiserslautern: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.imcom-europe.mbx.usag-r-p-passport@mail.mil, or Baumholder: usarmy.baumholder.id-europe.mbx.passport-and-id-office@mail.mil
Free layaway at KMCC
Military members, families and retirees can get a head-start on holiday shopping with fee-free layaway from the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. The Kaiserslautern Military Community Center Exchange will waive the $3 service fee for items that are placed on layaway and paid for by Dec. 24—including toys and bikes. Purchases of $25 or more are eligible for the layaway plan. A deposit of 15 percent is required to hold items on layaway. Shoppers can visit customer service at the KMCC Exchange for complete program details and eligibility information.
Current off-limits list
U.S. Forces personnel are prohibited from entering establishments or conducting business with the below firms, individuals, and organizations, except as required by official business. U.S. Forces military members who violate this prohibition are subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Civilians are cautioned these establishments have been declared off-limits to members of the Armed Forces because the commander has determined they threaten the health, safety, morale or welfare of service members.
- Axel Burghammer (Car Sales), Alex Müller Strasse 97, Kaiserslautern
- Ramona Fröhlich (Day Care), Hebelstrasse 12, Katzweiler
- Talip Gundogan (The Green Smile), Kämmererstrasse 69, Worms
- Mohammand Koohi (Arya Club), Steinstrasse 56, Kaiserslautern
- Lawrence Larson (Mojo Jojo’s, formerly Chuck’s Diner), Steinstrasse 24, Kaiserslautern
- Gary MacNeil (Massage Business), Auf der Platte 48, Mackenbach
- Edgar Mayer (Autohause Mayer and Gas Station), Kaiserstrasse 87, Bruchmühlbach
- Brigitte Weinand (Day Care), Am Rathaus 4, Landstuhl
- Steffen Wick (Investment Business), Auf Dem Riedel 21, Waldfischbach