Take time to enjoy holidays

Gen. Robert H.

You worked hard over the past year, selflessly dedicating yourself to the mission, not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Be sure to take time over the holidays to enjoy the season and camaraderie of family and friends.

As the holidays approach, pause and reflect on your accomplishments as well as the sacrifices, you and your family have made. I’m proud of your superb courage and selflessness which never cease to amaze me. Your hard work is making an enormous difference around the world as we build a better future for all. Without dedicated folks like you, we would not be the world’s most respected and feared Air Force.

As you celebrate the holidays, don’t lose focus on your fellow Wingmen who may be spending the season away from their loved ones. Reach out and include them in your holiday activities. Remember, whether deployed or at home station, you’re an important part of our USAFE family.
Thanks for all you do!

Mary and I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season.

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