Team Ramstein observes Base Pride Day

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

On a cloudy, rainy and chilly spring day at Ramstein, Airmen were seen at every corner of the base picking up trash, pulling weeds and sweeping leaves into piles.

One might wonder, “Why are they doing that?” It was all part of Base Pride Day. Members of Team Ramstein participated in the semiannual, two-day spring cleanup April 28 and 29.

Airmen from the 86th Communications Squadron ensure the streets surrounding their squadron are spotless during Base Pride Day April 28 on Ramstein. Base Pride Day is a semiannual, two-day spring cleanup when Airmen clean where they live and work.
Airmen from the 86th Communications Squadron ensure the streets surrounding their squadron are spotless during Base Pride Day April 28 on Ramstein. Base Pride Day is a semiannual, two-day spring cleanup when Airmen clean where they live and work.

“Base Pride is about taking care of your community, taking care of your surrounding area, making sure it’s clean and also helping out your fellow neighbors,” said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Richard Dorta, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, while participating in the housing cleanup.

During the first day of Base Pride, Airmen were responsible for cleaning the surrounding area of where they work. On the second day, those who live on base cleaned their living areas. Clearing trash and debris from common areas, cleaning glass on all windows and trimming hedges and shrubs were only a few tasks Airmen completed during this two-day

“Base Pride entails picking up after a long winter of leaves dropping on the floor and cleaning up sidewalks,” Dorta said. “Cleaning up common areas, playgrounds and churches are also part of what we do.”

Cleaning playgrounds and picking up leaves not only helps keep the base looking presentable, but it also improves the longevity of the facilities on base.

“(Participating in Base Pride) reduces debris blocking our storm drain system, supports our pavement maintenance program and reduces the likelihood of FOD on our vast airfield.” said Maj. Carlos Chirivi, 786th Civil Engineering Squadron Operations Flight Commander.

Base Pride Day is just one more way Team Ramstein works together toward maintaining a positive image for those who reside on or visit Ramstein.

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