Tech Expo returns to KMC

by Rachel Kersey
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The two-day summer 2013 Technology Exposition, hosted by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, finished Wednesday at the Ramstein Officers’ Club.

More than 70 of the leading companies showcased the latest in 21st century technology.

“The Tech Expo is a great way to show off what we do as AFCEA. The greatest technology of the future is happening right now,” said Staff Sgt. Stephen Basham, 693rd Intelligence Support Squadron project manager.

Aside from exhibiting cutting-edge gadgets, the Tech Expo serves in helping the Air Force make financially prudent decisions while maintaining capabilities.

“In the budget-constrained environment that we’re in right now, it’s critical that we understand what technologies are out there to help us do our job better,” said Col. Russell Smith, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing commander.

More than 800 people attend each summer, said Julia Banks, National Conference Services Inc. Federal Events Division event manager. Each session, the vendors demonstrate available technology in encryption, tracking and analytics, cyber security and more.

“We are coming here to the Tech Expo because, as global players in the satellite business, we have a lot of American government organizations who use … our equipment … ,” said Hans Duering, a broadcast vendor.

“I think we’re here for the same reason most people are here: because technology is changing so quickly in the communications field,” said Tony Keyser, another vender. “Even now, every year it changes dramatically — how you can communicate, how you can do it better, faster, and more cost effectively. We need to keep the technology refreshed and keep it in front of our users so they can see what’s coming next and plan for the future.”

The biannual Tech Expo also boasts a wealth of knowledge that will prove invaluable in the years to come, Banks said.

“I think there’s a real need for it,” Banks said. “There are a lot of decision makers here, so when they have a budget, they can make educated decisions. It’s awesome.”

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