‘Thanks for Asking’ about Domestic Violence Awareness Month

by Valerie Seitz
86th Medical Operations Squadron Family Advocacy Program
Photo by Senior Airman Timothy MooreSenior Airman Liberty Provo, 86th Dental Squadron dental laboratory technician, applies makeup to Tech. Sgt. Erica Carr, 86th Communications Squadron KMC frequency manager, to simulate domestic violence injuries Oct. 2 on Ramstein. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and this year’s theme is “Thanks for Asking.” Participants volunteered to don the fake injuries to raise awareness for domestic violence victims who sometimes remain silent.
Photo by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
Senior Airman Liberty Provo, 86th Dental Squadron dental laboratory technician, applies makeup to Tech. Sgt. Erica Carr, 86th Communications Squadron KMC frequency manager, to simulate domestic violence injuries Oct. 2 on Ramstein. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and this year’s theme is “Thanks for Asking.” Participants volunteered to don the fake injuries to raise awareness for domestic violence victims who sometimes remain silent.

Each October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Family Advocacy Program puts a special focus on the prevention of domestic violence in the Air Force. This year’s campaign theme is, “Thanks for Asking.”

When incidents of domestic violence are not reported to authorities, community members become vital in detecting silent victims of abuse. When you see people in your community suffering from abuse, whether they are Airmen, dependents or civilians, regardless of gender or rank, we challenge you to reach out to them. Domestic abuse is contrary to everything the military believes in. Simply asking, “Are you okay? Can I help you?” could be the key to saving a life.

Our military families can experience significant stress, including working long hours, having to go on frequent deployments and being separated from their primary support systems. While it is vital to recognize that Air Force members work heroically at caring for each other around the globe, it is just as important for us as a community to work just as hard at caring for each other. That includes making sure that if we see someone who needs support, we offer our help.

The Department of Defense needs strong, healthy military families. We recognize that everyone experiences difficulties in their life, but healthy families try to anticipate them and develop the tools they will need to get through.  The Family Advocacy Program aims to build healthy communities and does so through prevention and treatment of child and partner abuse. In your role as a member of this community, you can stop abuse by taking advantage of the services offered through the Family Advocacy Program and other family support agencies.

The Family Advocacy Program staff would like to invite all members of the KMC to join us in the fight against domestic abuse. During the month of October, we are planning several events to increase awareness of domestic abuse and aid in its prevention. One of these events is a self-defense seminar on Oct. 18 at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center Annex. The Family Advocacy Program will also offer a variety of prevention workshops and seminars available to the community year-round.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence or is simply interested in receiving information, call the Ramstein Family Advocacy Program at 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370.

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