The Construction Corner – New roundabouts will alleviate traffic

***image1***In the last four years Ramstein has experienced unprecedented growth by both gaining new facilities and new missions.

“This growth drives a requirement to upgrade road infrastructure, parking and major intersections,” said Samer Karmi, 435th Civil Engineer Squadron, Engineering and Construction Flight chief.

Three of the biggest construction projects are the new Kaiserslautern Military Community Center, AMC Passenger Terminal Annex and NATO Component Command Air Headquarters.

Two new traffic circles will be constructed to support these large projects and will vastly improve traffic movement and safety.

“It will be painful to get there but we are confident traffic conditions will improve considerably when these projects are completed. Drivers should stay alert to changing traffic patterns, exercise caution near construction areas and have patience,” said Mr. Karmi.

The first new traffic circle will be constructed at the Kisling Memorial Drive and Mitchell Avenue intersection near the east gate by CC Air-Ramstein, previousily known as AIRNORTH.

Starting today, trees will be cut to make room for the two-lane traffic circle. On Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. the bridge will be demolished and traffic will be detoured for three days.

The construction will be built in phases to maintain limited traffic. It is expected to be completed by the end of May 2005.

“Tremendous amounts of planning and thought have been put into routing traffic during this construction period,” said Mr. Karmi. “Undoubtedly, motorists, bicyclists, joggers and pedestrians will be affected in the short run, but the end result is improved access and safety for all.”

***image2***Construction of the second new traffic circle takes place at the five point intersection, also known as the “Death Star,” located northeast of the future KMCC and Passenger Terminal Annex.

“This traffic circle will eliminate stop signs, awkward and unsafe traffic merging and flow, and it will provide better pedestrian, bicyclist and jogger access,” said Mr. Karmi.

There are other construction efforts that will also affect traffic. A major utilities upgrade in the Ramstein Family Housing area is in progress and will continue through July 2005. Plans are in place to make improvements at the east and west gates. Traffic restrictions on some streets, such as Fairchild Avenue, will continue to accommodate the completion of a new dormitory and a large aircraft hangar.

The 435th Civil Engineering Group will continue to provide information updates on detour plans, construction phases and other important information through several major media outlets to include print, e-mail and American Forces Network Radio.

Any reduction in traffic volume will improve the situation. People should consider carpooling, walking or bicycling whenever possible.

Please direct questions concerning these construction measures to the 435th CES Construction Management Office at 480-6486.
(Courtesy 435th Civil Engineer Group)