Theater consolidation, shipping point opens doors

Maj. Allen Hing 21st Theater Support Command

Supporting the warfighter just got easier.  Army and Navy
logisticians cut the ribbon Monday morning in Germersheim, Germany,
signifying the opening of the Theater Consolidation and Shipping

The first day of the new fiscal year brought transformation home to
logisticians who support U.S. forces in Europe as well as those
conducting Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

Officials expect the TCSP-E to be more efficient in many aspects, as it
consolidates the services previously provided by three logistics nodes.
The TCSP-E takes on operations from Ramstein and the 21st TSC’s Theater
Distribution Center in Panzer Kaserne and unifies them in Germersheim.
“Consolidating three nodes down to one was more than common sense, and
better use of resources,” said Brig. Gen. Phillip Thorpe, deputy
commanding general of the 21st TSC.

More common sense means a potential savings of $1.2 million per year by
combining transportation resources, reducing manpower requirements, and
maximizing automated processing and documentation. The goal is to
guarantee the right parts, supplies and equipment get to the warfighter
faster and more efficiently, General Thorpe said.

The move makes the TDC an integral part of the TCSP-E. “Moving the TDC
is a small part of transformation, but it is a starting part for all
logistics transformation,” General Thorpe said. “As we the logisticians
are transforming, it will be totally transparent to the customer.

“We will be able to do our job better and faster and provide better
service without you ever knowing what we are going through to make that
happen. Our goal is to be transparent but ensure we can deliver what
you need, when you need it to make you more effective to conduct your
war fighting capabilities,” he added.

While the transformation may be transparent to customers, logisticians
face a daunting task in establishing the TCSP-E while seamlessly
providing support.
 “Everyone can see that change is coming, change is real; we have
a lot of things to do and it will take lots of dedicated folks putting
in long hours to make things happen,” General Thorpe said. “It takes
the right mindset to make things happen.  It isn’t going to be
easy, but it is doable if we come together as a team.”

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