Three Glasses of Wine

Commentary by David West

***image1***The following poem was written after the author was charged with a DUI. He wrote this poem to reflect on his actions and share his story with others so they may learn from his mistake.
Today, it sits in Schedwelbach and stares out
the window,
At the two cars outside that I dare to unlock.
My car note and insurance I still have to pay,
Hoping I will be able to drive again someday.
It all started a few nights ago when I thought
everything was fine,
So, I decided to drive after drinking three glasses of wine.
As I drove, someone was following me. I began
to sigh,
Then, I saw the blue light. I knew it was Polizei.
So, I had no fear. I thought I was fine,
After all, I only drank three glasses of wine.
After I blew and was over the limit and charged with a DUI,
All I could do was sit and cry.
I have never been so embarrassed nor been so hurt,
Until I looked up and saw the first shirt.
He had kind words and assured me everything would be alright,
He could see in my eyes and understand how I felt that night.
Everything would have been fine,
If I had not driven after drinking three glasses
of wine.
Now that I have made my stand and faced my chain of command,
It’s very clear in my mind.
I will never drive again after drinking one shot, one beer or even one glass of wine.
I do not claim to be a poet; I’m a great chef
and know it.

I wrote this so all of you who know me, or don’t know me, won’t have to endure the hurt and loss of respect and trust of those who are close to you.

Drinking and driving is not a joking matter. It endangers your life and most of all, it endangers the lives of others. I’m glad I was stopped before something worse could happen to me or to others. I hope this message will reach someone else who thinks they are fine after drinking three glasses of wine.