Top 10 reasons you know you are living in the KMC

10. You never have pennies in your wallet.

9. You wish for snow at Christmas and get the first snowfall in March.

8. You have a running list of companies who ship to APOs and a long list of companies to never deal with because they have no idea what APO mail is.

7. You haven’t watched the Superbowl since you moved here because you can’t stay awake until 3 a.m.

6. A ski trip to the Alps or a tour of Paris can be accomplished in a weekend.

5. Paying more than €5 for a bottle of wine seems expensive.

4. You get daily updates on the U.S. Dollar to Euro rate, roll your eyes, and continue with your day.

3. Your wallet is full of gas coupons, ration cards and at least two types of currency.
2. You know what season it is by the local fests you attend.

1. You know the difference between a wienerschnitzel, rahmschnitzel, bratwurst and currywurst.

(Courtesy of the Ramstein Public Affairs Office)