Staff Sgt. Christopher Whiting, 435th Security Forces Squadron cadre, shows Airmen proper tactics when breaching a building in confined areas Feb. 8 in Baumholder. The 435th SFS trains Airmen from throughout the Air Force to prepare them for deployments around the world. The security forces members sharpened many of their skills, including mounted and dismounted
tactics, tactical combat care, weapons firing, and night vision operations.

Airman 1st Class Matthew Hulick, 514th Security Forces Squadron defender, scans his sector for opposition forces during an urban operations base security operations course.

Security forces members breach a building during an urban operations base security operations course. Airmen trained in many different scenarios to sharpen theirs close quarters combat skills.

Senior Airman Kenneth Rivera-Ithier, 514th Security Forces Squadron defender, assists a team member into a building during an urban operations base security operations course. More than 100 Airmen participated in the course to sharpen their skills and come together as a team.

Security forces members line up to have their weapons cleared of simulation rounds. Airmen participated in the 19-day urban operations base security operations course to hone their skills.
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