Staff Sgt. Harvey Chadwick, supply sergeant with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command support operations section, participates in a fundraising event on Kapaun alongside other Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy students. Chadwick became the first Army NCO to graduate the Air Force NCOA in four decades when he completed the course Feb. 12.
A supply sergeant with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s support operations section aimed high and flew toward uncharted skies, becoming the first Soldier to attend the U.S. Air Force’s Kisling Noncommissioned Officer Academy in 40 years.
Staff Sgt. Harvey Chadwick, platoon sergeant for TSC headquarters and supply NCO within the support operations section, attended the six-week school, located on Kapaun, from January through mid-February, graduating with class 16-02 Feb. 12.
The opportunity came about because of the working partnership between senior enlisted leaders within both services. Command Sgt. Maj. Rodney Rhoades, TSC senior enlisted leader, and Chief Master Sgt. Phillip L. Easton, 86th Airlift Wing command chief master sergeant, collaborated on the project. Under an exchange pilot program, select Air Force NCOs will also be invited to attend the Army Senior Leader Course.
Chadwick, who attended the Army SLC in Fort Lee, Virginia, in 2012, noted there were many similarities as well as differences between the two courses.
“Both courses focused on different areas of leadership, all of which are important,” Chadwick said. “I think they complement each other quite well.”
Chadwick quickly noticed a difference in class makeup and size.
“In the Army SLC, there were 35 participants,” Chadwick said. “All attendees share the same (military occupational specialty) but at different grades. At NCOA, the class had 14 participants and had a variety of Air Force specialty code personnel attending.”
Location, Chadwick continued, also matters.
“Kisling NCOA is the only leadership academy in Europe,” Chadwick said. “Therefore, in my class, a majority of the attendees were from various European countries.”
Other differences stood out to Chadwick.
“The Army concentrates its leadership training specifically on our MOS,” Chadwick said. “We also learned many other warrior tasks, such as how to conduct physical training for your company, and how to lead your troops.”
The Air Force NCOA, on the other hand, focused on learning and understanding the personalities and temperaments of service personnel.
“I learned how to pay attention to other people’s emotions,” Chadwick said. “I had the chance to look at experiences from another’s viewpoint.”
Chadwick praised the approach, adding that he will incorporate his training into his leadership style.
“By learning about other Soldiers’ temperaments and how they learn, I can adjust my leadership style in order to bring their best actions out,” Chadwick said. “By doing that, I hope to create a better team, which will benefit the Army.”
He also learned about his own priorities and leadership style.
“I am structure-oriented, and I care deeply about family,” Chadwick said.
Chadwick noted that the Airmen he attended the school with were very interested in hearing a Soldier’s perspective on military life. He talked about the importance of pride in service.
“As my first sergeant, 1st Sgt. Ryan Sattelberg, says, ‘Pride is contagious. It trickles down,’” Chadwick said. “I, as a Soldier, always think about these words. I believe everyone needs to take pride in themselves. How can we, as leaders, teach other Airmen or Soldiers to have pride and integrity in their jobs, and in life, if we don’t feel it in ourselves?”
Chadwick said he appreciates the opportunity to attend both the Army and Air Force advanced leadership classes.
“It was definitely one of the best courses I have attended,” Chadwick said. “I’ve also learned that Soldiers and Airmen are more alike than I thought prior to attending the NCOA. We deal with the same issues every day, from taking care of our Soldiers and Airmen to working with our bosses and accomplishing our missions. We just wear different uniforms and answer to different leaders. I have more respect for the Air Force after taking this course.”