UFC ‘Outlaw’ grapples with KMC personnel

Story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Alexander A. Burnett 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs
Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy (right), an accomplished veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, demonstrates a movement technique with Staff Sgt. David Maybury, 7th Civil Support Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command master combatives trainer during a mixed martial arts seminar June 2 on Ramstein.
Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy (right), an accomplished veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, demonstrates a movement technique with Staff Sgt. David Maybury, 7th Civil Support Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command master combatives trainer during a mixed martial arts seminar June 2 on Ramstein.

Soldiers receiving training in unarmed combat generally take instruction from Army professionals who learn hand-to-hand fighting techniques as an additional skill, but the afternoon of June 2, service members of the KMC ventured to the wild side during a unique opportunity with a mixed martial arts celebrity.

Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy, an accomplished veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Champion, led a mixed martial arts seminar for Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command and service members from the KMC June 2 on Ramstein. The Outlaw’s instruction focused not on battling Texas Rangers, but on ending an unarmed conflict quickly using specific techniques and equipment.

Hardy began the seminar with his perspective on fighting and his current involvement in the sport. He told his audience he had spent the last two years out of the Octagon, but took the opportunity to watch and learn from other fighters.

“When I watch these fights, from the amateurs to the main events, I see the same mistakes made at each level,” Hardy said. “The more experienced fighters are just faster and more efficient at recovering from their mistake. One of the universal things I have noticed is the importance of having good footwork — keepings your feet with you is extremely important.”

Hardy began the session with warm-up drills followed by instruction on fighting stance transitions and movement techniques. As his students performed these new skills, he took time to individually assess each fighter and provide feedback. Finally, he gave instruction on translating the new foot movements into strikes against an opponent.

Participants said they gleaned valuable insights from The Outlaw.

The Outlaw (right), demonstrates how to properly deliver a low kick on Sgt. 1st Class Ron Foster, a military police NCO assigned to the 21st Special Troops Battalion, 21st Theater Sustainment Command.
The Outlaw (right), demonstrates how to properly deliver a low kick on Sgt. 1st Class Ron Foster, a military police NCO assigned to the 21st Special Troops Battalion, 21st Theater Sustainment Command.

“This instruction was great — we took the techniques he taught us from the basic level all the way to striking,” said Staff Sgt. David Maybury, 7th Civil Support Command, 21st TSC master combatives trainer. “As a combatives instructor, getting this experience from a professional fighter is extremely valuable. I can use these techniques to teach my students and make them more effective Soldiers.”

After the official instruction was concluded, Hardy encouraged his military students to practice grappling with each other and offered to battle anyone who dared.

“Being taught by and rolling with Dan (Hardy) was amazing,” said Sgt. 1st Class Ron Foster, a military police NCO assigned to the 21st Special Troops Battalion, 21st TSC. “The skills he taught today have direct application to the everyday mission of a military police Soldier, who sometimes have to use hand-to-hand combat.”

Hardy concluded by explaining the importance of the day’s lesson and how it applies to potential combat situations.

“Movement is the basis for all combat,” Hardy said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing four-ounce gloves in the Octagon or whether you’ve got a firearm and you’re in combat — you’ve got to know you have your feet beneath you. You’ve got to know that your balanced and that you have the ability to move.”

Despite his onstage persona, The Outlaw does have a soft spot for Soldiers and Airmen supporting law and order.

“I try to come out and train with the military as often as I can,” he said. “You guys are always in such good shape it’s great motivation to stay in shape myself. What we (mixed martial artists) do is playing compared to you. This is a sport. When we get done, we go home to our families — you guys put a lot more on the line and are risking a lot more.”

 The Outlaw (right), demonstrates how to properly deliver a knee strike on Staff Sgt. David Maybury, 7th Civil Support Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command master combatives trainer.
The Outlaw (right), demonstrates how to properly deliver a knee strike on Staff Sgt. David Maybury, 7th Civil Support Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command master combatives trainer.
Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy, explains his philosophy on fighting during the mixed martial arts seminar.
Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy, explains his philosophy on fighting during the mixed martial arts seminar.
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