Uncasing ceremony welcomes ERMC to Sembach

by Shane Sharp
Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs


Army Col. Jeff Clark (left), Europe Regional Medical Command commander and U.S. Army Europe command surgeon, and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Luciano, ERMC command sergeant major, unfurl the ERMC flag during an uncasing ceremony April 24 at the Community Activity Center on Sembach Kaserne. The ceremony officially marked  the relocation of ERMC headquarters from Heidelberg to Kaiserslautern.
Army Col. Jeff Clark (left), Europe Regional Medical Command commander and U.S. Army Europe command surgeon, and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Luciano, ERMC command sergeant major, unfurl the ERMC flag during an uncasing ceremony April 24 at the Community Activity Center on Sembach Kaserne. The ceremony officially marked
the relocation of ERMC headquarters from Heidelberg to Kaiserslautern.

The relocation of the Europe Regional Medical Command from Heidelberg to the KMC became official during an uncasing ceremony April 24 on Sembach Kaserne.

Army, Air Force, German Bundeswehr and European Friendship Club leaders were on hand as the colors were uncased, marking the unit’s permanent change of station to its new home in Bldg. 110 on Sembach Kaserne.

“Today’s ceremony is a tangible declaration of dedication and commitment to continuing Army Medicine in Europe’s noble mission to provide patient friendly access to high quality health care for all we are privileged to serve,” said Col. Jeffrey B. Clark, ERMC commander and U.S. Army Europe command surgeon.

The relocation of ERMC is of USAREUR’s transformation plan. In step with these many changes, Army medicine in Europe is transforming to meet the needs of communities where installations are growing, shrinking or closing, Clark said. While many things are changing, some things will not.

Photo by Elisabeth Paque The Europe Regional Medical Command flag is unfurled during an uncasing ceremony on Sembach Kaserne
Photo by Elisabeth Paque
The Europe Regional Medical Command flag is unfurled during an uncasing ceremony on Sembach Kaserne

“This is a time of immense change for the Army in Europe and for Army medicine in Europe,” Clark said. “Those we are privileged to serve can trust that we will continue to provide high quality health care and continue to achieve the highest patient satisfaction in our Army. We will maintain the highest dental and medical readiness rates in our Army for Soldiers who serve in Europe. We will continue to accomplish the mission, take care of each other and take care of our families.”

ERMC positively impacts the health of service members, families and retirees through its network of 17 Army medical treatment facilities in Germany, Italy and Belgium, he said. As part of ERMC, the Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe operates three Warrior Transition Units throughout Europe, which serve the purpose of healing Soldiers so they can successfully return to their unit or transition from the Army.

The largest of ERMC’s treatment facilities is Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, which is the only overseas U.S. Level I trauma center and serves as the ROLE IV strategic evacuation center for U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S. European Command and U.S. Special Operations Command. LRMC also provides primary and specialty care to thousands of service members,
families and retirees living and working in Europe.

ERMC is part of a large Army Medicine in Europe team that includes the U.S. Army Medical Material Center-Europe; the Europe Regional Dental Command; the U.S. Army Medical Research Unit, Europe; the U.S. Army Public Health Command Region Europe; and the USAREUR Office of the Command Surgeon.

“Army medicine in Europe is one team,” Clark said. “Command Sgt. Maj. (Robert) Luciano and I could not be more proud of who we are, what we do and, most importantly, how we do it.”


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