In order to be able to plan accordingly, the following is a list of events in the near future:
• Schneckenhausen, rock night Sept. 30
• Hohenecken, Rochuskapelle, concert with pianist Annette Volkamer 7:30 p.m. Sept. 30
• Olsbrücken, village carnival Sept. 30 to Oct. 4
• Steegen, village carnival Oct. 1 to 3
• Hirschhorn, thanskgiving fest Oct. 2
• Winnweiler, October market Oct. 1 and 2
• Eiswoog-Ramsen to Obrigheim, car-free adventure day Oct. 3 (Ramsen is loacted northeast of Alsenborn)
• Edesheim (south of Edenkoben), fest of new wine Sept. 30 to Oct. 3
• Neustadt/German Wine Street, German Wine Harvest Fest Sept. 30 to Oct. 10
• Wallhalben, potato market Oct. 1 and 2
• Freinsheim, fest of new wine Oct. 1 to 3
• Annweiler, chestnut fest Oct. 1 to 3
• Grünstadt, October market Oct. 1 to 4
• Traben-Trarbach/ Mosel, fall and market place fest, Sept. 30 through Oct. 3
• Kröv/Mosel, wine fest and October market, Sept. 30 to Oct. 3
• Offenbach-Hundheim (B420, north of Kusel), vintners fest Sept. 30 to Oct. 3
• Ransbach-Baumbach (A3, north of Koblenz), international pottery market Oct. 1 and 2