USAF, Israeli AF work hand-in-hand

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Alexandria Mosness

86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

NEVATIM AIR FORCE BASE, Israel — Several Ramstein units, in partnership with Israeli military members, concluded their exercise here with high spirits.

The 10-day exercise held Dec. 1 through 10 brought Ramstein Airmen from units such as the 435th Contingency Response Group and 37th Airlift Squadron, each doing their part whether it be preparing the base of training on the C-130J Super Hercules.

“Thank you very much for the effort everyone put in,” said. Lt. Col. Patrick Dabrowski, commander of the Israel off-station training.

“The training was a success. We were able to hit the dirt landing 57 times, complete two static-line jumps and one high-altitude-low-opening jump.”
For those involved, the exercise provided everyone the chance to hone in on their respective skills.

“This was a very productive mission,” said Tech. Sgt. Shawn Smith, 435th Contingency Response Group contingency airfield manager. “We had the opportunity to train with our allies in a more permissive environment than what we are used to in Germany.”

Without the complete effort of everyone involved, the exercise could not achieved a
favorable outcome.

“We wouldn’t have been able to do it without maintenance, who kept the planes running, so we could accomplish our training,” said Colonel Dabrowski. “The CRG filled in the seams and kept things running smoothly.”

The Israeli Air Force was also able to gain information from the visit.
“We were able to provide briefings and orientations to the Israelis about the C-130J,” the colonel said. “Our bond has grown stronger over these last 10 days.”
The Israeli Air Force will be able to put this guidance about the C-130J Super Hercules to good use when they get one in the near future.

“The J-model has absolutely changed what we are used to with the E-model, and it is very different from what we have,” said Israeli Air Force commander Rami Lieberman, pilot and loadmaster.

From briefings, to interaction between Americans and Israelis, one bond was certain.
“We are all Airmen,” Colonel Lieberman said. “We all speak the same language, whether it is Hebrew or English, in the air it is the C-130.We can learn a lot from what the Americans do, and hopefully, they can also learn from us. It is all about cooperation.”

The collaboration between the two countries extended from the lowest ranking to the highest and left a good impression on all involved.

“Although we kept busy, it was an opportunity to see another part of the world,” said Senior Airman Jacyln Nahahbedian, 86th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment. “The Israelis were not only accepting of us, but also very nice.”
The exercise was not only a chance to work with the host nation forces, but it also made Airmen thankful for their co-workers.

“My favorite part was working with my airfield colleague,” Sergeant Smith said. “We managed operations on the ground and in the air for the training, and we worked well as a team.”

As the exercise progressed, teamwork was a key part.

“The Israeli Air Force was very forthcoming and orienting,” said. Tech. Sgt. Jeff Vogel, 435th Contingency Response Group contingency aircraft controller. “If we were to deploy, this training allows us to integrate our way of business, and be prepared in the future to work with them.”

Going to a new nation might have many anxious, but the Israelis showed Americans there was nothing to worry about.

“Their hospitality was one of a kind,” Sergeant Vogel said.

Bring along three C-130J Super Hercules, more than 100 member of Team Ramstein contributed their skills and teamwork to make this training such a success.