USAFE-AFAFRICA recognizes 2014 Outstanding Airmen

by Staff Sgt. Ryan Crane
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Public Affairs

During the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa annual awards ceremony March 5 at Ramstein, Gen. Frank Gorenc, USAFE-AFAFRICA commander, and Chief Master Sgt. James E. Davis, USAFE-AFAFRICA command chief, recognized the best Airmen in the command for 2014. The awards recognize Airmen for superior leadership, job performance, community involvement and personal achievements.

Gorenc took to the stage to congratulate all of the winners and nominees from this year’s competition.

photo2a“Tonight is all about excellence,” Gorenc said. “We are acknowledging those winners here tonight, but what we’re not recognizing here tonight is the unbelievable talent these Airmen competed against at the wing level to get here.”

The general went on to explain that the Airmen who competed for this award are stewards of innovation.

“Innovation is all about doing it faster, doing it better and doing it cheaper,” Gorenc said. “It’s about the mission, and it’s this mission innovation that we’re attempting to capture. I’m confident that with the Airmen you saw tonight and those that competed, we’re up to the task. And regardless of what happens in the future, when the nation calls on our Air Force, we’re going to deliver precise combat power from the air, first time, every time.”

He closed his remarks by emphasizing the  importance of airpower and how these Airmen epitomize the dedication to the U.S. Air Force, defense of our nation and NATO allies.

Airmen competed within their units, and then at wing level and have now been named the best in the command. They will go on to compete at Air Force level for the coveted Outstanding Airmen of the Year award, which will be announced later this year.

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