U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz officials met with local mayors and civic leaders from the Sembach area to foster relationships and strengthen partnerships during a community relations tour March 14 on Sembach Kaserne.
Community relations events give garrison leadership a chance to reconnect with community leaders and reacquaint them with the U.S. missions, while showcasing the quality-of-life programs and facilities provided daily to Soldiers, Department of Defense civilian employees and their families, said Col. Keith E. Igyarto, USAG RP garrison commander.
“We value the partnerships we have with our local communities,” the garrison commander said. “Engagements like these allow for an open flow of information and ideas as we continue to work together closely for mutual benefit. Host nation events like this help to demystify what’s going on behind the gates and strengthen the bonds with our neighbors.”
The commander gave local leaders an overview of the Army missions throughout the USAG RP footprint, which encompasses 29 sites within 10 different cities and towns spanning more than 10,307 acres. He also explained how the garrison provides support to its installations and neighboring communities and answered questions posed by the guests.
The civic leaders also received a Sembach-specific briefing related to installation missions, growth and facility renovations before embarking on a tour of U.S. Army Europe Band and Chorus where the group got an opportunity to watch rehearsals and meet with band members.
The tour also included a visit to American Forces Network-Europe Headquarters where civic leaders learned about the mission, met joint service broadcasters and viewed radio and television studios.
Cultivating a strong bond is an ongoing endeavor between the military and local communities, said the Mayor of Enkenbach-Alsenborn Andreas Alter.
“I’m gratetful for the opportunity to come here,” said the mayor, who has lived in the local area for 35 years and experienced a good working relationship with the garrison during that time.
“It’s important to see the installation and all of the support facilities, and I’m looking forward to furthering our partnership during more of these events in the future.”
Rudolf Jacob, Winnweiler mayor, was similarly impressed.
“I wanted to thank the garrison commander and command sergeant major for their hospitality in bringing us here for a tour of the installation,” Jacob said. “I enjoyed hearing about the future projects that will take place and hope to continue our strong friendship for many years to come.”