USAREUR commander visits Baumholder, remembers 9/11

by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava
U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs
Photo by Bernd MaiStaff Sgt. Derek Hillmer, 720th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, crosses the finish line wearing a 75-pound bomb suit during Baumholder’s 9/11 Remembrance Run Sept. 11.
Photo by Bernd Mai
Staff Sgt. Derek Hillmer, 720th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, crosses the finish line wearing a 75-pound bomb suit during Baumholder’s 9/11 Remembrance Run Sept. 11.

Baumholder’s monthly 5 kilometer runs carry a specific theme, but the run on Sept. 11 had a very special meaning attached to it.

“Today on 9/11, we take the time to think back what happened 12 years ago on that fateful day, and I think even more importantly for us as a military family, to reflect upon all the brothers and sisters we’ve lost or have been wounded since that fateful day in 2001,” said Lt. Col. Mike Sullivan, U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder commander.

More than 300 community members gathered in the Hall of Champions for a commemoration ceremony before the run. A moment of silence was observed as the sound of chimes echoed in the hall followed by a bagpipe rendition of “Amazing Grace.” Special guests for the run were Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, U.S. Army in Europe commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. David S. Davenport, USAREUR command sergeant major.

“I haven’t been to Baumholder in a while,” Campbell said. “As I made that drive it brought back a lot of memories. I was thinking about serving many, many years ago, when many of you weren’t born, and the opportunity to make a difference in the United States Army Europe. You continue to do that on a very special day for all of us who can probably remember where we were on Sept. 11, 2001.

“Many of you came in the Army to serve after 9/11. That speaks volumes of you as a patriot and certainly as an honorable, noble American,” Campbell continued.

“Today, let’s remember what we stand for, what America stands for on what we now refer to as Patriot’s Day – the importance of serving, the importance of being ready and being committed,” Campbell said. “But most importantly, never forget those souls that lost their lives in that tragedy and the souls that have lost their lives in the service of their country for the last 12 years.”

After the run and after all the winners had received their prizes, Campbell asked everyone to never forget why the run is held.

“(We do this) to recognize the service members over the last 12 years and certainly those poor souls who happened to be in those two buildings and a whole bunch of our wonderful firefighters, policemen and first responders who died that day,” he said.

Campbell spent the rest of the day talking to Baumholder community members and touring the installation.

First place, Travis Gere, 20:10, 720th EOD
Second place, Christopher Glass, 20:41, 421st HHD
Third place, Randal Davis, 21:03, 720th EOD

First place, Jessica Allen, 21:54, 92nd MP
Second place, Edelina Calle, 23:11, HHC 16th STB
Third place, Melissa Gomez, 24:37, 240th QM.

First place, Treston Henry, 36:28, 8 YRS
Second place, No entry
Third place, No entry

Unit participation (commander cup points)
First place, HHD Garrison
Second place, Legal Center
Third place, 240TH QM
Fourth place, HHC 16TH STB
Fifth place, 317TH Maintenance
Sixth place, 504TH Signal
Seventh place, 51ST Transportation
Eighth place, 720th EOD
Ninth place, 8th Medical

Stroller pushers
First place, Jessica Medina, 36:30

Owners with pets
First place, Timothy Allen, 21:53

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