USAREUR, NATO leaders tour Coleman Worksite

Photos by Greg Jones
Gen. Dennis L. Via, commanding general of U.S. Army Materiel Command (left), listens as Robin Dothager, 405th Army Field Support Brigade’s theater prepositioned stocks manager (right), explains details about the European Activity Set, a brigade set of equipment maintained by the 405th AFSB for use by rotational forces. As the Army’s most senior officer responsible for equipping the force, Via visited sustainment and materiel sites throughout Europe this week to assess how AMC can most effectively support the U.S. Army in Europe.
Gen. Dennis L. Via, commanding general of U.S. Army Materiel Command (left), listens as Robin Dothager, 405th Army Field Support Brigade’s theater prepositioned stocks manager (right), explains details about the European Activity Set, a brigade set of equipment maintained by the 405th AFSB for use by rotational forces. As the Army’s most senior officer responsible for equipping the force, Via visited sustainment and materiel sites throughout Europe this week to assess how AMC can most effectively support the U.S. Army in Europe.
Gen. Dennis L. Via, commanding general of U.S. Army Materiel Command, discusses details of the European Activity Set with 405th Army Field Support Brigade Commander Col. Todd Bertulis while Lisha Adams, AMC executive deputy to the commanding general (far left), and Robin Dothager, 405th AFSB prepositioned stocks manager (far right), listen in.
Gen. Dennis L. Via, commanding general of U.S. Army Materiel Command, discusses details of the European Activity Set with 405th Army Field Support Brigade Commander Col. Todd Bertulis while Lisha Adams, AMC executive deputy to the commanding general (far left), and Robin Dothager, 405th AFSB prepositioned stocks manager (far right), listen in.
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