‘Use candles with care’
KMC observes Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 9 to 15

Christine June
U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

Fire Prevention Week is Sunday to Oct. 15, reminding the KMC to “Use
Candles With Care.” It’s a reminder a KMC resident recently needed,
said Jürgen Stegner, U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern fire chief.

“One of our Soldiers in Miesau didn’t follow that rule. He left his
barracks’ room, leaving a candle burning,” said Mr. Stegner, who is
responsible for the KMC Army fire prevention program and USAGK Fire and
Emergency Services on Miesau Army Depot. “He went downtown and was
called back to find his home destroyed.”

The damage to the building was almost $50,000 and the private loss for
the Soldier and his roommate was more than $13,000, said Mr. Stegner.

According to KMC Pamphlet 32-6005 “Dormitory Standards and Polices,”
Airmen and Soldiers can have candles in their dormitory rooms, but they
can not be lit.

Fire protection in the KMC is done by the 435th Civil Engineer Squadron
KMC Fire and Emergency Services Flight, excluding Miesau. It has eight
fire stations, operating 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week and
responding to about 3,500 medical or fire emergencies a year in the
KMC, said Peter Stuhlmüller, KMC Fire and Emergency Services deputy
fire chief.

 “I think fire prevention has become intense in the KMC,” said Mr.
Stuhlmüller. “That’s why the number of fires is going down in the KMC.”

Mr. Stuhlmüller added Fire Prevention Week is important because “it
gets people thinking about what they can do to prevent fires or how
they can react fast enough when a fire does happen.”

Fire Prevention Week commemorates the Great Chicago Fire on Oct. 8 and
9, 1871, killing more than 250 people, leaving 100,000 homeless,
destroying more than 17,400 structures and burning more than 2,000

In 1920, President Woodrow Wilson issued the first National Fire
Prevention Day proclamation, and since 1922, Fire Prevention Week has
been observed on the Sunday through Saturday period in which Oct. 9

During Fire Prevention Week, the USAGK Fire and Emergency Services will
be conducting unannounced fire drills and teaching fire safety classes
for KMC Army units upon request. Army units can make the request by
calling 483-8317.

The KMC Fire and Emergency Services will be visiting elementary schools
throughout October and hosting several events throughout the week such
as trivia contests at American Forces Network Kaiserslautern morning
and afternoon radio shows.
Fire safety tips will be announced over the local base exchanges’ and
commissaries’ public address systems throughout Fire Prevention Week.

For details, call KMC Fire Emergency Services’ Fire Prevention at 480-5940.