Valentine’s Day is almost here

Brandi MalyBrandi
Contributing writer

***image1***Valentine’s Day is Wednesday: have you picked up something for your someone special yet?

Turns out, 60 percent of you will buy cards in the six days prior to Valentine’s Day, making this holiday a favorite among procrastinators, according to Hallmark research.

Whether you are lucky enough to find a romantic, sappy card that conveys the perfect message depends on whether or not you get it today or Tuesday night, after work, at the very last minute, before the BX closes. Believe me, when you hand her the card that says “Te amo” and she doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish, you are so busted.

Just so you know, 192 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually in the U.S., which makes Valentine’s Day the second most popular greeting-card-giving occasion, according to Hallmark. This would be another reason not to wait until Tuesday night to pick up that card.

If your significant other likes flowers, do a little research and find out what his or her favorite flower is. It might not be the red rose. According to the Census Bureau, white lilies are the most popular flower given, with sales upwards of 78 million, while red roses brought in a measly 48 million. Also, think of the message you’d like to send when choosing flowers as a gift. If yours is a message of “I love you” or “true love” or “forever yours” then red tulips, red chrysanthemums, forget-me-nots and dahlias will do the trick. If you wish to convey friendship, yellow roses should be on your list.

Chocolate is also a fine choice. Chocolate production is a $14 billion a year industry, according to the Census Bureau. If it comes in a gold box or a giant red heart-shaped box, it’s all good. Just don’t pick up a bag of bite-size Snickers bars, stick a left-over bow from Christmas on it and toss it to her when you walk in the door while saying, “Happy V-day Baby.”

All in all, I guess it comes down to who your significant other is. I have been told that nothing says “I love you” like a case of cold beer and a handful of Bahama Mama Beef Sticks. Who knew?