• Check that all lights function correctly.
• Wrong bulbs in taillights make them too bright. Check license plate lights, park lights and headlight alignment.
• Accessory lights are not authorized. If there are off-road lights on the vehicle, they must have the correct cover from the manufacturer, and the on/off switch must be separate from the factory light switches.
• Lenses for lights cannot be cracked or broken.
• Brake lights and headlights must be fully operable.

• Unless the manufacturer specifications say otherwise (staggered tires, ex: Corvette), all four tires on the vehicle must be the same size.
• Seasonal tires cannot be mixed.
• Summer tires should not be worn in the winter and vice versa.
• Minimum tread depth for the entire tread surface cannot be less than 1.6 mm. Poor tire inflation or wheel alignment will wear your tires unevenly and lessen the life expectancy of the tire.
• Tires that have the side walls cut or gouged or are bald and showing cords will render the vehicle “unsafe.”
• Tint on the front door glass is not authorized (and illegal in Germany) and needs to be removed to pass. Tint on the windshield can be no more than 4 inches, or below the AS1 line (which is not on all windshields.)
• Decals with any US city, state or military/DOD affiliation must be removed (dealership tag, AF wife, base stickers, flags, etc.).
• Any crack or star chip in the driver’s viewing area will require the windshield to be replaced.
• Outside the driver’s viewing area, any crack over 1 inch or any star chip over ½ inch will require the windshield to be replaced. Any such damage less than this (in the passenger area) may be repaired.
For more information, visit www.ramstein.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=17109.