Virtual ESD now at Ramstein

by Senior Airman Brian Quintanilla
86th Communications Squadron

In the past few weeks, a new application may have appeared on computer desktops. On Dec. 8, the 67th Cyber Wing deployed Virtual Enterprise Service Desk on computers throughout U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

Currently, the vESD is able to diagnose and repair issues with email, network connectivity and BlackBerrys. Due to vESD being installed on the local machine, the program can even be used during a network outage to assist in diagnosing the causes of the outage.

The goal of the vESD is to reduce wait times for the resolution of computer-related issues. The ESD services over 650,000 customers. This immense work load created a situation in which the call centers are overburdened. Often, there is up to a 60-minute wait simply to speak with a technician. With vESD, most issues can be resolved without ever needing to pick up the phone.

Upon opening the vESD application, the program will automatically scan the machine and diagnose any problems that might exist. From this main page, customers can access links to user guides as well as an instructional video.

The main screen will also provide users with three notification tabs at the top: “Email,” “Network” and “Internet.” When a user’s computer is functioning properly, all three tabs will be green. If there is an issue with any of these components, the tabs will display as amber or red.

By clicking on the amber or red tabs, the vESD program will walk the user through the troubleshooting process in order to correct the issue. This process is the same as the one taken by ESD technicians over the phone.

If an issue cannot be resolved through the vESD application, a ticket will be created and routed to the appropriate work center for resolution. Users can also use the vESD to track the status of their new ticket as well as existing trouble tickets.

By clicking on the “Phone” button in the top right of the vESD main page, the user will be walked through how to solve issues, such as a BlackBerry not synching, a BlackBerry reset, an iPhone reset, replacing the battery on a BlackBerry, replacing the SIM card on an iPhone or BlackBerry, as well as email reconciliation issues.

One of the most common issues users have is in regards to their email. On the top left side of the main vESD screen is the “Email” tab. This tab can assist users in troubleshooting a full mailbox by assisting with moving mail or by creating a new PST.

The vESD can also assist with the recovery of old email certificates and other issues with opening encrypted emails. By clicking on the “Org Box” icon, the vESD will walk the user through the addition or deletion of an Org Box from Outlook.

By clicking on the “More” tab on the bottom right of the vESD home screen, users are able to gain all of the information regarding their computer, including their computer name and standard desktop configuration version.

For major issues or if an entire squadron or group is experiencing issues, customers will still need to contact their information assurance officer in order to create tickets. The information assurance officer will continue to be a vital link between the end user and the communications squadron.

If a computer is missing the vESD application, speak to an information assurance officer and have them submit a ticket for the program to be installed on the machine.

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