Vogelweh Gospel Choir performs in France

by Master Sgt. Rodney M Farrier

***image1***On Sept. 27, Vogelweh Gospel Choir got the chance of a lifetime as they chartered a 50 passenger tour bus for a three hour ride to Varennes en Argonne, France. 

The choir was invited to share American’s Gospel Music at the 90th Anniversary of the Liberation of Argonne by the 1st American Army of General Pershing on Sept. 26, 1918. 

Under the direction of Jeffrey Smith, the 30-member choir lifted their voices and electrified the crowd with special renditions of “Oh Happy Day,” “He is Exalted,” and other gospel favorites.

Nearly 1,000 French citizens lined the corridor, street and court yard of the American Pennsylvania Memorial to get a glimpse and an ear full of the joyful sounds of their first live gospel concert.
Bénédicte et Denis Hebrard, the event organizer, was especially grateful for VGC taking the time to participate in the event.  Mr. Hebrard said the local population has taken a liking to Gospel music, “which is not usual in our churches. They know some songs by radio or CD, but they never have it live.” 

Although it was a first to have an American Gospel Choir in Argonne, Shantell Frierson, VGC Music Director, said, “It was extremely humbling to be asked to be a part of such an awesome event.” 

That was the sentiment throughout the day as choir members were extremely honored and blessed to have been a part of such a monumental occasion.   The host and bed and breakfast owner, Mr Hebrard, treated VGC and the French-German Choir of Paris with the utmost class and style.   The choirs had lunch together at the exquisite “La Scholastique” Chambres d’Hôtes Bed and Breakfast, which gave everyone a time to relax and fellowship before going on stage. 

In the end, emotions could not be restrained, as the celebration culminated in an encore performance by the American and Parisian Choirs, more than 60 voices lifted a spirit-filled message through the lyrics of “Amazing Grace.”  Cheers and applauses rang out for several minutes sending a clear message that the event was a success as well as an answered prayer.