Volunteers needed for the 25th Annual

***image1***The USAG-K Army Community Service needs volunteers for the Special Olympics Spring Games May 6 at the German Police Academy in Enkenbach-Alsenborn.
The special olympics is the largest community-relations event in the KMC and provides athletic games for both German and American participants.
This year’s event will host 750 athletes and will take 1,500 volunteers to be successful.
If you are interested in volunteering, contact one of the following coordinators:
• Angela Bellamy, 493-4232 or angela.bellamy1@us.army.mil
• Katherine Sharpe, 493-4094 or katharine.m.sharpe@eur.army.mil
• Capt. Karen Williams, 479-2000 or karen.williams@ramstein.af.mil

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