Voter Assistance Office helps overseas voters

by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

With elections fast approaching, voters living abroad still have an opportunity to take part in both their state and national elections by filling out an absentee ballot.
There are a few things registered voters can do to get an absentee ballot and start the process.

“First, registered voters need to request an absentee ballot by contacting their state’s voter registration office,” said Capt. Joseph Vaeth, a 37th Airlift Squadron C-130J Super Hercules pilot and installation voter assistance officer.

It’s a simple matter of finding their state or county office online or in the 372-page book available at the Voters Assistance Office, Vaeth said. They will request the form, fill it out and fax, email or mail it to be counted in the election.

“Some states do allow electronic ballots, but it all depends on the state,” he said.

For those who have to mail the ballots, it may take a little longer, but free express mail is also avail-able.

“The KMC post offices offer free express mail service for absentee ballots,”
Vaeth said. “It’s a very simple process and it gets the voters’ ballots to their respective states quickly.”

Voters can walk to the front desk at the post office, show the postal worker their ballot and ship it free of charge.

With the election so close, the most common question asked at the Voters Assistance Office is, “Am I too late to register?”

“In some states, it is too late to request absentee ballots,” Vaeth said. “In other states, they accept ballot requests up until election night.”

For example, someone from Michigan who isn’t registered can register via email, request a ballot, fill it out, email the ballot back and be part of the election in about 24 hours, Vaeth said.

“Voting is important because as Americans, in order for our process to work, it is important for our elected officials to hear our voice,” Vaeth said. “Military members overseas, their families and U.S. citizens stationed abroad vote absentee to ensure their voices are also heard.”

The Voter Assistance Office is open from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

For more information, call 480-8683, email, or visit or

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