Watch out for double speed cameras

by Robert Szostek
USAREUR Office of the Provost Marshal Public Affairs

U.S. Army Europe drivers who travel on German autobahns should remember that German police sometimes set up more than one radar camera along the same stretch of autobahn, said USAREUR Office of the Provost Marshal officials.

“The theory is that anyone can unwittingly drive faster than the speed limit for a short time,” said Maj. Vincent Amerena, deputy chief of law enforcement at the USAREUR OPM. “But someone caught in two sequential traps is obviously speeding deliberately.”

The Rheinpfalz newspaper reported recently that double camera control points were currently set up near Baumholder on autobahn A62, and similar control points are planned along autobahns A63 and A6. According to the article, excessive speed is involved in 80 percent of the accidents with injuries or deaths in these areas.

A spokesman for the USAREUR Vehicle Registry said anyone caught speeding in two sequential radar traps is liable for fines of up to €2,000, a six-month suspension of driving privileges and 12 points on their USAREUR driver’s license.

“Two tickets on the same day could easily put someone over 12 points in one year,” said Tom Lorenzini, USAREUR Vehicle Registry registrar. In that case, their license is required to be suspended for six months.

Motorists in Germany face driving suspensions of at least one month if they are caught driving more than 31 kph faster than the speed limit inside built-up areas. Outside built-up areas, the driving suspensions kick in at speeds of 41 kph over the speed limit.

Driving suspensions issued by German authorities always lead to the suspension of a USAREUR license, OPM officials added.

The German point system is different from the USAREUR system. A list of fines and the German point system can be found online at,1872.970156/%20Schedule-of-Fines.htm.