What are your health, fitness resolutions?

by Senior Airman Caitlin O

As we plunge into the new year, many people will be making New Year’s resolutions. And why not? A new year holds the hope of change.

Did you know statistics show that 46 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail within the first month alone?

If your New Year’s resolution is losing weight and staying healthy, here are a few tips from Ramstein’s professionals to keep you going in the right direction all year long.

Get a workout partner
If you have a hard time getting motivated to exercise, enlisting a fitness partner may help. A physical training wingman can encourage you, challenge you, help pace you and can even make working out more fun.

“Go into it together with someone you don’t want to let down,” said Tech. Sgt. Dwayne Haynes, 786th Force Support Squadron fitness program manager. “That way you’re less likely to drop out and more likely to keep up with it as well as keep motivated. You’re more likely to succeed if you keep at it and go in with a partner.”

Stay motivated
Motivation is an important factor in sticking to your workout routine, but it can be the hardest to keep up.

“Most people hit a plateau after two to three weeks when they’re not losing as much weight as they feel they need to be,” said Staff Sgt. Jeremy Brown, 786th Force Support Squadron fitness supervisor, “They start out strong and lose 5 to 10 lbs., but then they hit that plateau and stop. They ask themselves if it’s really worth it, and once they get unmotivated, they’ll eventually return to how they were living before. Everyone’s going to hit that plateau, because your body gets used to working out so you just need to keep the drive up.”

Get fit while having fun

It’s said that time flies when you’re having fun. Well, so does a good workout.
Remember when running around all day was actually fun, jungle gyms were the place to be, and when you had the chance to climb, slide and swing?

Who’s to say now that you’re grown you should lose that outlook on life. Find outdoor activities that you enjoy. Chances are you’re going to be so busy having fun, you won’t notice the workout you’re getting.

“We have tons of classes available here on base — cardio, toning and everything in between,” Haynes said. “We have activities and challenges for all your needs.”

Keep it real
Pace yourself, be proactive, set goals and count on setbacks. No one is perfect, so leave room for an off day.

“Keep motivated and remember why this was important to you in the first place,” Haynes said. “Don’t lose track or disregard.”

If you do fall off the horse, get back on. You’re not the first to give up on a resolution, and you won’t be the last. So, dust yourself off, refocus and get back out there.

Don’t feel like you need to follow a workout plan to the T. It’s acceptable to change it up and create your own recipe of exercising and dietary needs.

You know yourself better than anyone else, so listen to your body. Be realistic and leave room to grow. There are so many get-fit-fast plans and they all have their benefits, but take that and mold it to create a formula that allows you to work out in a way that benefits your individual needs.

Eventually, muscles are going to build, you’re going to feel better, your clothes are going to fit better and you’ll have obtained an all-around better lifestyle. Once you find that routine that’s safe and doable for your fitness level, these activities will slowly start to get easier and you’ll start to enjoy yourself more — both during your actual workout and as you become more fit in your everyday life.

For more information on fitness centers in the KMC, visit 86fss.com.

(Editor’s note: This is the first story in a series of three on New Year’s resolutions.)