Women’s club sponsors Pfennig Bazaar March 3 to 5

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
The Pfennig Bazaar at the event hall of Kaiserslautern Gartenschau presents a wide range of flea market items. It is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 3 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 4 and 5.

A flea market of a special kind takes place March 3 to 5 in the event hall of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau. It’s the annual Pfennig Bazaar sponsored by the German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern.

The Pfennig Bazaar is known as the biggest flea market in the West Palatinate. Its name originated from the former German currency, which was Deutsch Mark and Pfennigs, today euro and cents. The club, established in 1956, says its Pfennig Bazaar is the biggest fundraising event. All profits will be donated to various German, American and international charities, German-American youth activities and student exchange programs.

“Last year our club donated a total of almost €30,000 to institutions such as the United Service Organizations and the Airman’s Attic,” said Christine Schneider, the German club president. “Momentarily we are looking for some more American organizations that are in need of a monetary donation this year. They can contact me at president@gaiwc.com.”

The GAIWC is promoting tolerance within cultures and international understanding and fosters friendship between German, American and other communities. The club offers a variety of interest groups, to include foreign languages, literature, international cooking, reading lessons and handicrafts, and it organizes evening events, concerts, trips and monthly get-togethers. Club members also get involved in community activities. They take care of the kindergraves at Kaiserslautern’s main cemetery and support the Fisher House at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

For the Pfennig Bazaar, the club is still accepting donations such as clean clothes for men, women and children, household goods, books, toys, small electrical appliances, collectibles, bed linens and music media. Furniture will not be accepted. Donations can be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the event hall.

“For the actual bazaar days, we hope to also receive American cake donations. We want customers to enjoy a nice break while checking out our flea market items,” Schneider said.

The contact person for cake donations is Gisela Kau at 0171-938-6666.

The Pfennig Bazaar will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 3 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 4 and 5. Parking is available at the Gartenschau parking lots.

For more information on the Pfennig Bazaar, the club and its activities, visit www.gaiwc.com.

Visitors of this year’s Pfennig Bazaar will find all kinds of merchandise including clothes, household items, books, toys and more. The event is scheduled to take place March 3 to 5 in the event hall of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau.
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